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Thread Lift - Resorbable Threads

Volume loss of bone, fat, connective and muscle tissue and loss of elasticity can cause sagging of some parts of the face over the years.

The skin of the nose, the lips, the chin, and the parts of the cheeks closest to the ear are well-attached to the underlying tissues. The soft tissues of the forehead, the temples and most parts of the cheeks tend to sag downwards and forwards. This leads to the formation of the nasolabial folds and the jowls, among other signs of ageing.

This can be treated by inserting suspension sutures with little cuts (barbs) along their surface. This treatment is most appropriate when the descent is visible but not too extensive, in faces that are neither too heavy or too lean. Generally, it is performed between the age of thirty and sixty, sometimes also later in case the signs of ageing are less than average.

The treatment is performed under local anaesthesia. The procedure takes 45 to 90 minutes.

Swelling and bruising may occur. The treated areas may be oversensitive for a few weeks up to a few months. As for any medical procedure, the risks of infection and tissue damage can never be excluded completely. It is best not to plan participation in important events during the first three weeks after the treatment. Generally, the tissues have then adapted, but minor irregularities may persist for months after the procedure. Generally, there are more temporary inconveniences and side-effects than after the injection of fillers, but less than when permanent threads are used.